Trevor szerint a világ / Holding Trevor
Amerikai romantikus dráma / american drama 2007
Rendező/director: Rosser Goodman
Brent Gorski,
Eli Kranski,
Jay Brannan,
Melissa Searing
Mikor elég a jóból? Ezt kérdezi magától a fiatal, jóképű és intelligens Trevor, miközben a kórházban várja a híreket az ismét heroin túladagolással bekerült barátja, Darrell állapotáról. Ekkor találkozik Ephrammal, az okos és imádnivaló orvossal. Az együtt töltött romantikus éjszaka után Trevor úgy érzi itt az ideje megváltoztatni életét és végre kirúgni Darrellt. Eközben Trevor és szobatársai, Andie és Jake (Jay Brannan a SHORTBUS-ból) megkapják HIV-tesztjük eredményét és eldöntik, nagy bulit csapnak. Ez olyan buli lesz, amit Trevor soha nem felejt el...
Young, beautiful and intelligent, Trevor (screenwriter Brent Gorski) is in a stalemate. Entangled in an unhealthy relationship with Darrell, a self-destructive heroin addict, and trapped in a telemarketing job, Trevor finds scant comfort in Los Angeles' vapid party scene, where conversation rarely rises above inquiries like "So, are you an actor?" Worse still, he and his two best friends - roommate Andie and singer Jake - are being pulled apart by boredom and discontent. At the hospital for his boyfriend's latest overdose, Trevor finds a potential new beginning in Ephram, a medical intern with ambition, a warm demeanor and strikingly good looks. After they spend a romantic evening together, Trevor seems poised to make some changes. He begins by ending his relationship with Darrell and then strives to reconnect with Andie and Jake. But what should be a joyous event - a party celebrating a negative HIV test - explodes into rage and sorrow. Darrell shows up unannounced and makes a scene, Ephram suggests that Trevor isn't ready for a commitment, and Andie, reeling from a painful revelation, kicks Trevor while he's down. Though pulled in multiple directions, Trevor remains committed to bettering his life. But first he must realize that some people are too precious to abandon. Director Rosser Goodman (That's What I'm Talkin' 'Bout, Frameline29) finds rich emotional territory in Gorski's script, keeping it both focused and raw.